The Quality system functioning in the company integrates all of our activities in order to conatantly create high quality products in accordance with our customer’s expectations, the requirements of European standards and other various certifying bodies.
The high quality of our products is due to the use of effective methods of production management, uniform procedures for operation, continuous improvements in manufacturing processes and working conditions,
We separate out Quality control from our production process. Each product’s quality is verified as all stages of production and is performed by all production workers. Addionally, various independent certifying bodies are used.
More than 70 different control and measurement tests are performed in our laboratories, which allow current monitoring of offered products. Research is conducted on all incoming products, components in production process and eventually, final products.
Laboratories equipped with wind chamber, rain barrel and low temperatures chamber allow performing tests in extreme climate conditions.
All quality system at FAKRO aim to provide quality and repeatability of manufactured products and increase of trust and satisfaction of our customers.
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